Laser Tag Update!

ATTENTION! We are making some directional changes with our Laser Tag side of the business! Availability for individual parties will be sole based on availability and each request will be closly monitored before acceptance. If you are wanting a combo party we may be able to work it out but for the time being, may Read more about Laser Tag Update![…]

Trailer Update

We are currently in the process of updating and working on fixing some trailer issues with our mobile Bunker, so for the time being our Mobile Bunker will be MIA. We still can do Laser Tag Parties like before with no issue, such as the Pop Up Bunkers, 7 on 7 Team Action, Face Paint Read more about Trailer Update[…]

HELLO 2022!

Happy New Years to you and your Family and my family wanted to take a minute and Thank each and every one of you for a fantastic 2021! We may have still been dealing with the global pandemic, that we are all still griping with today, but with careful planning, and being responsible with the Read more about HELLO 2022![…]

Teacher Discount

We know this year has been HARD on everyone! We have given discounts throughout the year and even cut our Travel Charges to try and help as much as we can. We have extended our 10% Hero discount to now include Professional Healthcare workers. We also understand that our teachers have had a very difficult Read more about Teacher Discount[…]

COVID-19 Update

Spencer Family Entertainment’s COVID-19 GUIDELINES & REGULATIONS: **Updated on August 1st, 2021** *Mobile Gaming (Rockin’ Rollin Video Game Party) *Laser Tag (Backyard Laser Tag Party) Due to the Coronavirus Pandemic, Spencer Family Entertainment will issue new rules and regulations until further notice to ensure the safety of our gamers and employees. · FACE MASKS Every Read more about COVID-19 Update[…]

Thank You

We want to extend our greatest gratitude to those on the front lines. Thank you so much for putting yourself in harms way for the health and safety of all of us. 

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